2014: Affordable Housing and Grocery Store, Jack London Gateway, Oakland, CA

Honor Award


Embracing Limits

3r studio
Oakland, CA

Project Architects: Le Pham and Mai Tran
Energy Consultant: Hung Dang

Energy Performance Documentation

Design Board

Honor Award



Montreal, Canada

Team: Rocio Carvajo Lucena, Architect, LEED, Sergio Carretero Gomez, Architect, Josiane Crampé, M. Architect, and Geoffrey Diackiw, M. Architect

Energy Performance Documentation

Design Board

Special Recognition



SERA & Glumac
Portland, OR

Project Manager/Designer/Technical Documents: Katie Felver
Designer/Technical Documents: Nathan Burton
Designer/Graphics: Artur Grochowski
Graphics Assist: Jodi Hanson
Designer Biophilia Specialist: Matt Piccone
Designer: Jeffrey Maas
Project Engineer/Energy Modeler: Brian Goldsmith
Envelope Advisor: Mark Perepelitza
Design Advisor: Jeff Roberts
Project Management/Daylight Advisor: Lisa Petterson
Energy Advisor: Chris Lowen
Energy Advisor: James Thomas

Energy Performance Documentation

Design Board

Merit Award


Gateway Residences

Judson University
Elgin, IL

Project Manager: Eric Blowers
Sustainability Specialist: Jaclein Ely
Designer: David Merlo
Detail Drawing Manager: Kathryn Husar
Diagrams/Illustrations Specialist: Peter Lukacs
Sponsored Faculty Member: Keelan Kaiser

Energy Performance Documentation

Design Board

Merit Award



University of Aalborg
Copenhagen, Denmark

Project Architects & Engineers: Elias Mohr Jensen, Jonas Snedevind Nielsen and Henrik Jacobsen

Energy Performance Documentation

Design Board